Monday, May 23, 2016

Does Donald Trump Love The American People? According to him NO. "If I lose, campaign was 'complete waste of time and money" Watch Video Footage- CWEB
Get a chance to Win a Free Movie or a Concert Ticket When You Vote For the Celebrity or Movie We Review on - In a heavily hyped sit-down last week with Megyn Kelly on Fox News, Donald Trump reacted to their spats during the campaign and to criticism for failing to reel in his tongue during debates and campaign rallies. Asked direct question what he thinks if he loses the campaign Trump had the following answer to the American People: "If I lose, campaign was 'complete waste of time and money"

So what happened for the Love of the American People or Building a Wall bringing Jobs back etc? Just empty campaign slogans just to win and get in power. How can Donald Trump betray the American People or this is only about Donald Trump again? Megalomania by definition could not be better described. “Make America Great Again”? This is all about his brand and nothing more. He could care less about the people. Also please release your tax returns so the American People can see how much have you given to charity and paid in taxes. Mr. Trump claims that his taxes are very complicated. Give me a break. Are you taxes more complicated than Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Apple, and Google with over $200 Billion in Cash and they have to file every quarter. Why is this so complicated for Donald Trump to come out clean and release his tax returns? He also claims that he is in Audit but few years ago when he applied for Casino license he did release the returns and he was still under IRS audit. So why it is ok to release your taxes when you are making purchases and you are still under IRS audit but running for a President is not ok to release your taxes. What is T-Rump really hiding by not releasing his tax returns? Is he afraid we'll figure out he's been lying about his net worth all this time or he has dogged by paying very low tax rate? If not, then what is his problem with releasing his taxes? The IRS has said an audit shouldn't prevent him from releasing them.

Watch a Video Below telling that his Taxes are none of anybody business.

Our Take : Going back to the Kelley debacle, he says it caught him "off guard".  His response tells you everything.  Everyone can get caught off guard, it's how you respond.  He responded like a wounded third grader and even after several days and weeks after could have at most apologized or at least left it alone. But no he continued in attack bully mode.  He even suggested that Megyn Kelly has been called far worst things than Bimbo on the same interview. How is that Presidential? How come his “policies” are given so little media attention and his fueds so much? Last week he was proposing an economic strategy that  had the potential to jeopardize not only our economy but the world economy by talking defaults. The choice is clear Hillary Clinton 2016!

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