Tuesday, May 10, 2016

CWEB.com - The Lying Donald Trump is asking you for money. Are you going to give your hard working money to a so call billionaire Trump?

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CWEB - Over the last nine months, Trump boasted at length about his decision to self-fund: “I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich,” he said during his rambling, off-script presidential speech in June 2015. 
He's has so many people buffaloed it's not even funny, those stupid hats that he had made for two dollars and selling for twenty-five went to his campaign as well as the rest of the crap he had made in china. The very people he yells about but doesn't have a problem using. This man has spent very little of his own money. People are so gullible they will believe anything. After endless reminders how rich he is and how he won't ask anybody for money the lies are coming out. Donald Trump has been telling the American people that he will fund his own campaign. This was the Breaking News at the moment. Nine months later he is asking you for money as he stated on CNN that I'm not going to sell my Buildings. So technically he is asking you the American people to pay.
Hard working American instead of feeding their kids and families and thinking about college and education, healthcare have to fund a billionaire Donald Trump campaign.

The simple reason is that the general election is far different scale than the primaries. Trump has run a campaign based largely on free media coverage and big rallies, as opposed to expensive TV ads and campaign staff.
But Donald Trump is self-funding his campaign, he said so, that way he won't be beholden to donors. And he claims he's worth BILLIONS. So let's see some tax returns. And stick to your word, Donald Trump, fund your own campaign like you said you would and not Lie to the American People.

Our Take: Ted Cruz was called Lying Ted by Trump and company. So are people going to call Trump : Lying Donald? It is so sad to see people who are stuck believing they can win life's lottery simply by donating their had earned money to a carnival huckster. After selling them on the notion life in America is near unbearable, he's going to load them onto his ark to prosperity and freedom from nasty influences by asking them to give him his hard working money.

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