Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - Why Is The President Of Brazil Dilma Rousseff Getting Impeached. It Is Time To Say Goodbye To Dilma.

CWEB - President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil is accused of using money from giant public banks to cover budget gaps, damaging the nation's economic. Rousseff, an unpopular leader already struggling with Brazil's worst economic crisis in decades and a spiralling corruption scandal, has seen support from within her governing coalition steadily erode.If her impeachment is approved by the required two-thirds majority of 513 house members, the Senate must then vote on whether to go ahead with putting Rousseff on trial for breaking budget laws. That could clear the way for Rousseff's suspension and replacement by Vice President Michel Temer as soon as early May, pending a trial that could last six months. Rousseff, a former leftist guerrilla, had not been expected to resort to the Supreme Court until after Sunday's vote. Cardozo's request to the court was seen as a sign, even before the latest newspaper survey, that her government now expects defeat.

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