Thursday, April 21, 2016 - Sean Hannity The $30 Million Dollar Man Unfair And Unbalanced. What Is The Beef Between Sean Hannity And Ted Cruz?

CWEB - DonaldTrump has appeared on Hannity an astonishing 43 times since he announced his campaign last June, often for the entire hour. So Yesterday Sean Hannity Flips Out On Ted Cruz For Bashing Donald Trump. So Why Is Hannity Becoming The Lap Dog For The Trump Campaign? Who Is Sean Hannity?  According To Wikipedia When Sean Hannity Got His First Job and hosted his first talk radio show in 1989 at the volunteer college station at UC Santa Barbara, KCSB-FM, while working as a general contractor. The show aired for 40 hours of air time and was so bad that had to shut down. Regarding his first show, Hannity has said, "I wasn't good at it. I was terrible.
So What Did Sean Learned From This Very Bad Experience? When Ruppert Murdoch Endorsed Last Week Donald Trump And Even Megyn Kelly Had To Go Trump Tower To Submit To Mr. Trump Sean Hannity Took The $30 Million Dollar A Year Salary Approach. Go After Ted Cruz So You Can Look Good In Front Of Fox News Bosses. 
So If Really You Sean Hannity Are Concern About Ted Cruz Bashing Donald Trump Why Don't You Question Your Boss Donald Trump Calling Ted Cruz A Liar on Daily Bases? I guess your parents failed to teach you the basic rule of "not everything that crosses your mind should fall out of your mouth". Ted Cruz has a wife and kids; did you for a moment think about them and how Donald Trump comments might affect them? Thankfully his kids are young enough that they'll escape any blowback, other than how this may damage the self-esteem of their father. 
Sean Hannity You Started As Humble Beginning From A General Contractor To $30 Million Dollar Salary. America Is A Great Country But Kepp Your Journalism Fair. Donald Trump Did The Same Thing To Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker And All Other Presidential Candidates But You Didn't Do Anything About It.
So Sean Hannity If You Don't Change Your Show Will Be  "Unfair And Unbalanced"

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