CWEB - Donald Trump speaking on NBC's Today show was asked about the controversial North Carolina law requiring transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds with their biological sex.
He called the measure unnecessary and said it has led to needless 'economic punishment' for the state.
When asked if he would be comfortable to let Caitlyn Jenner use any bathroom she wanted in his landmark Trump Tower, he replied 'That is correct'.
So Donald Trump by his own admissions changes his mind very frequently.
In March 2016, to MSNBC's Chris Matthews He Mentioned: "I'm pro-life" and we have to ban abortion. Trump mentioned that women who obtain abortions should be punished but later backtracked and said that the doctors should be punished.)
• In 2011, to The Des Moines Register He Mentioned: "I'm not in favor of gay marriage. They should not be able to marry."
• In January 2016, to Fox News' Chris Wallace He Mentioned: "I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that maybe could change things [in relation to gay marriage]."
• In January 2016, to Fox News' Chris Wallace He Mentioned: "I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that maybe could change things [in relation to gay marriage]."
So why is Donald Trump Pandering to Caitlyn Jenner? Because she is very rich and supports Ted Cruz this is why.
The Media Should Ask Donald Trump The Following:
Would you allow Mexican Transgender to use the bathroom in Trump Towers?
Would you allow Middle Eastern Transgender to use the bathroom in Trump Towers?
Would you allow undocumented Transgender to use the bathroom in Trump Towers?
These Questions are important to see if this Rule Applies Only For Caitlyn Jenner or All the Transgender Community?
Interesting Always Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz A Liar But Mr. Changing his Mind So Often Is Not A Lie.
Is Called Changing Minds And Make America Great!
Interesting Always Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz A Liar But Mr. Changing his Mind So Often Is Not A Lie.
Is Called Changing Minds And Make America Great!
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